"Interferencja to nakładanie się na siebie co najmniej dwóch fal, czego efektem jest powstanie w przestrzeni nowego rozkładu fal."

Kolejne odsłony Interferencji będą pojawiały się co 2-3 tygodnie na łamach Trzeciej Fali. Pomysłodawczynią cyklu jest FOQL / Justyna Banaszczyk. Do współtworzenia projektu zaprosiła kilkanaście osób z Polski, Holandii, Szwecji, Niemiec i Belgii. Wśród nich są doświadczeni muzycy, szefowie niezależnych wytwórni, a także artyści początkujący, być może nawet nieznani bliżej słuchaczom w Polsce, na pewno jednak aktywni na swoich lokalnych podwórkach niezależnego muzycznego półświatka.

Kluczem wyboru był wyrazisty estetyczny i etyczny rys każdej z zaproszonych osób, a także bezkompromisowe, konsekwentne działanie wbrew wytyczonym zasadom tak zwanego marketingu, czy pseudopromocji, reżimu lajków i  autoprezentacji.

Każde wydanie Interferencji będzie swoistą odpowiedzią na zadane pytanie: czym jest dla Ciebie eksperyment i czy nadal ma sens?

Nie będziemy się trzymać żadnej konkretnej formy. Zaprezentujemy mixtape i sety DJ, które niekiedy będą połączone z performancem dźwiękowym, nagrania terenowe, słowo mówione ze specjalnie przygotowanymi kompozycjami dźwiękowymi, nagrania na żywo, manifesty graficzne - wszystkie będą przygotowane specjalnie dla Trzeciej Fali.



Something wicked this way comes indeed. Inevitably. A barb wire is already wrapped around you, fairly tightly, it hurts and cuts your skin and you cry and bleed and hurt yourself even more while trying to wipe salty tears, some of which make their way to those dry lips. Still you dance. Lose yourself in sound, rhythm, melody, in the light and in the darkness. It takes you in through the cacophony of jungle... that's where all the magic is. This mix was recorded on two turntables in a town on the Adriatic coast. Photo (attached) and above text/words by Le Chocolat Noir. 

CP/BW – Squamata Alley / Not On Label
M.S.B. – Madrid Mix Part 3 / Frigio Records
JUNE – Between Two Fires
BORUSIADE – Haunted By Flashlights / Cómeme
MAOUPA MAZZOCCHETTI – Psycht See / Mannequin
CHARLES MANIER – Auctoritas / Bopside
I.B.M. – A Madness Shared By 2 / Interdimensional Transmissions
ESPLENDOR GEOMETRICO – Rotor (Broken English Club Remix) / Contort Yourself
DUNKELTIER – Cruisin' / Bahnsteig
BOURBONESE QUALK – Lies (Ancient Methods Remix) / Mannequin
CLARENCE G – Turbine / Clone Aqualung Series
DIVE – There's No Hope / Body Records
HELENA HAUFF – Silver Sand & Boxes Of Mould / Werkdiscs
COIL – Copacaballa / Cold Spring
EUROP EUROP – Much More Ordinary / Petir Enfant - Enfant Terrible
MONO JUNK – Can't Understand / Rat Life
5XOD – Negativ Terminal Data / Domestica
PATRICK COWLEY vs. SCHMERZLABOR – The Jungle Dream 45/-7 vs. B1/4006 LCN's Live Edit / Dark Entries & Bunker Records

PS znów po angielsku, tłumaczenie pojawi się jak będzie komu tłumaczyć (może są jacyś chętni?) 

Does experiment in music have any sense at all and what does it actually mean for you? How do you experiment?

I think that the experiment in music still has sense. We all say that are waiting for the next big thing and some say that rarely come across something really new in music. Still every now and then some interesting sounds/music/releases emerge that stand out in this big ocean of music circulating around. These cases are, in my opinion, to quite a big extent a consequence of mixing and combining different genres (something done for long time now and is still not fully extinct) and this is where the novelties come from. I guess that experimenting in music production means different thing to every individual, experimental music is as broad term as almost any other. When someone says that he/she is experimenting - that process might be something quite usual for that person while for the other such experimental approach used is something new and out of the ordinary.

For me experiment in music means that an artist uses different methodologies/ways in producing music, using of different equipement in a non-standard way or manipulating audio recordings in a manner that is not as common. Another form of experiment is also the above mentioned combining of different styles/genres or ideas that are not the most typical match. Product of such processes in music production is a result of an experiment. The level of experiment is sometimes only small and in some cases it may be that even such a small experiment gives quite a surprising and extraordinary result.

My experimentation includes producing music in a way that I don't necesarily know for which purpose the music will be used - will it be something that could be considered as my solo live jam that I will self-release, a club tune or a song that is more a soundscape, that is something that will be seen when a song is finalised. The process of production that is not the most common for my standard way of producing is an experiemnt for me – for example for some time now I record different sounds with my Zoom recorder and then sample those audio files either as drums or as any other element of a song (one would think that these are synths while in reality it's fx manipulated audio samples/recordings). This does not mean that that song should be named 'experimental music' since in the end the result might be a fairly straight forward club song, but the process of getting there was an experiment for me.

Experiment does not stop there, since my music may be used by a DJ in a different way than how I would imagine it. This then depends of a DJ who will, if inovative and/or brave/crazy enough, use that product in a way that is not expected – in that way extending the experiment. This is what I sometimes do when I play as DJ.


Records for mix 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' were selected and mixed by Le Chocolat Noir, DJ and music producer releasing music on Frigio Records, Return To Disorder, Kraftjerkz, Gooiland Elektro, etc. LCN is also member of FFFC and is less known under alias Honored Matres. For the last six years he is a host to a radio show Disco Panonia on Intergalactic FM.  LCN is based in Sisak (Croatia). 

if needed more info is available here